The Point of Dancing is the Dance One of my favorite lessons from Alan Watts: Music, as an art form, is essentially playful. We say, you play the piano, you don’t "work" the piano. Why? Music differs, from say, travel. When you travel, you are trying to get somewhere. And of course, we, because being a very compulsive and purposive culture, … Continue reading The Point of Dancing is the Dance

Compassion in Companions

The Dalai Lama believes the purpose of life is to seek happiness; meaning, the liberation from suffering. What's the polar opposite of suffering? Pleasure. However, people get confused between pleasure [external events creating gratification] and happiness [internal peace of mind creating contentment].  Some context: [1] was in Jacksonville/Savannah this past week. [2] was reading The Art of Happiness (A Handbook for … Continue reading Compassion in Companions

Coasting Cozumel

Five minute video snippets of the scuba trip to Cozumel in March. Coasting Cozumel from daaasily on Vimeo. Sort of want to do a different (and improved) video, but it took me a month to get around to it, and now two months to even post it. So, this will do for now.

When Time Stays Still

This instance was especially notable to me because, with the idea that traveling can change a person's perspective, I didn’t have to actually travel anywhere – I didn’t have to leave in order to come back seeing things differently. I stayed here in Colorado and it was he who changed me with his traveling.

The Chase

While endlessly scrolling through my Instagram feed, I stumbled upon Chris Guillebeau's, The Happiness of Pursuit. The author had traveled to every country (193) in ten years and took it upon himself to write about why people seem to make these life quests. The book is more of a guide on what a quest may be, how … Continue reading The Chase