Worth the Whim

The only time I bought a one way flight on the same day of departure was for a family emergency last summer. It was frantic and sudden, more worrisome than exciting. REWIND: The day before I left to Puerto Rico, I got into a minor car collision. A lady ran a red light and kissed my … Continue reading Worth the Whim

Compassion in Companions

The Dalai Lama believes the purpose of life is to seek happiness; meaning, the liberation from suffering. What's the polar opposite of suffering? Pleasure. However, people get confused between pleasure [external events creating gratification] and happiness [internal peace of mind creating contentment].  Some context: [1] was in Jacksonville/Savannah this past week. [2] was reading The Art of Happiness (A Handbook for … Continue reading Compassion in Companions

When Time Stays Still

This instance was especially notable to me because, with the idea that traveling can change a person's perspective, I didn’t have to actually travel anywhere – I didn’t have to leave in order to come back seeing things differently. I stayed here in Colorado and it was he who changed me with his traveling.